John Deere Diagnostic Tool
Debug your John Deere and go back to the field. Check out John Deere's coverage by model.

- Agricultural equipment - tractors, harvesters, telehandlers… etc.
- Automatic detection of systems and error codes - pressure, temperature and more
- Real-time data monitoring
- Actuations and calibrations of components
- Modification of equipment configuration
John Deere is the main brand in the US market. There are people who love green and others hate it. That does not really matter as you will finally be able to repair this color from now on. Their tractors, combines, harvesters, sprayers and much more will be covered with JALTEST AGV. No more waiting for the dealer or losing that job sending customers away. Downtime, long waits and the restrictions of not being able to repair John Deere tractors unless you are the dealer are over.
As you have no possibility to have access to Service Advisor, we have developed this diagnostic tool so you are able to fix any John Deere Machinery. This is not just for the engine but for every electronic system that the tractor may have, that is:
• Transmission
• Hydraulic Lift
• Spool Valves
• Instrument Cluster
• Central Computer
• Suspension
• Audio System
• Auxiliary Brakes
• Climate HVAC
• Electronic Module
• Lighting
• Power Take-off
• Steering
John Deere Fault Codes can be read, solved following the technical information and repair guides and then cleared. It is easy and intuitive and if you need help, just contact JALTEST AGV Customer Support and they will guide you from their location based in the USA.
It is time to solve power limitation issues performing DPF regens or resetting aftertreatment components such as the DOC, SCR, VGT or EGR. Even the long service regen that can take over 3 hours, needed when the particulate filter is too full, can be done.
You need a maintenance reset, just do it with this tool. System checks such as knowing which injector is failing can also be accessed. Afterwards, if you need to perform an injector coding, this will allow you to calibrate it.
Besides, you will calibrate the transmission, the hydraulic lift or the spool valves with this tool.
Remember no matter the color, Jaltest AGV has your back!

The Jaltest Agricultural Vehicle kit has set a benchmark in the market for accurate diagnosis on agricultural vehicles on all kinds. This kit has the same great functions as the other Jalest Diagnostic Tools with extensive coverage for agricultural brands and systems as well as technical information and a wide range of cables for direct connection.